5th post | Psychologist

 My future job

¡Hello!, this week I’m going to talk about my future job. Because I’m studying psychology at university, I pretend to obtain the title of this career and become in a psychologist, probably in four or six years more, If I want to specialize in something.

But I don’t imagine myself working in the typical clinic we usually think when we talk about psychologists. On the contrary, I imagine myself working with a lot of people around me, helping them together, at the same time. So probably I will end up studying social or community psychology.

When I think about the salary I don’t care so much, because I always say to me that “If I can live in good conditions with that, everything will be okay, because I will be in love with my job”. I’m really planning to dedicate everything on it.

Maybe travel a lot for a psychologist would be difficult, because of the responsibility with their regular patients. But If it possible, I would like to travel in our country and out of it, to get new perspectives, recognize new problems, meet new people and try to think in alternatives ways to solve their problems.

The future with me working seems far and near at the same time, but talk about this make me want to know all the things necessary to start to help the people right now.


  1. I agree with you, I too wish you the most to graduate soon to help people. Also what you mentioned about knowing new perspectives through the trips seems very interesting to me:)

  2. The future is so exciting! I know that you are going to be an amazing psychologists and complete all of yours goals <3

  3. It so interesting that you can work with a lot a people. I wish you can graduate soon to help the people and do what you like.


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