8th post | English challenges

English language challenges

Hello! This's the first semester that I have english at university. The first class was funny, with most of my classmates with the camera on interacting with each other in english. But from the second class, it was pretty boring.

The classes weren't similar to the ones I had in high school, because there are no units, specific content or a presentation. During the classes we only do some random stuff, like visiting a virtual museum or watching videos without sound, trying to make us interact in english.

The blogging seem fun to me, because it's similar to telling our lives through social media (as we usually do) but more "elaborate". Also, you can choose what to talk about more specifically without losing the central theme. I would like to receive some feedback on them, since I have no idea if I'm writing something wrong (probably yes).

My english vocabulary isn't completely bad, but I don't know how to pronounce many of the words I know, so I end up deciding not to use them as I speak. I think this's because I have learned more english by reading than speaking, so I should try to watch videos or series in english to improve my pronunciation and my own listening.

English is very useful for me for minor things like playing a game, but it has also helped me to communicate with people from other places, contact some help services, understand some psychology articles, among other things. Lately I've using it to talk with myself haha


  1. I think I use English more than anything to talk to myself :)

  2. Ohhh I remember the first class, it was really different if we compare the final classes

  3. I talk with myself too in english haha

  4. I talk to myself in English too, and is very funny because my pronunciation is very bad, but I'm trying to understand what I can change to improve mi speaking, and I think is hard because we don't speak always in English, and in my case at least, I'm getting very nervous when I'm tring to speak and sometimes my ideas are blocked.


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